Saturday, July 12, 2008

Chapter 2

Chapter Two.
Scorpious was walking along the aisle; carrying out his prefect duty as per normal. He was already in his seventh year and could not wait to get back to his dorm room and sleep on the four poster bed which was somehow so much more comfortable than what his king size bed could ever offer. There was something missing and he felt a pang of sadness in his heart. He thought of all the years that he had become a prefect, he used to have someone walk beside him whenever he did his duty. He remembered the soft brown hair that was silky and nice. The nose that seem somewhat too small for the face and yet so...perfect. He missed her so much that his last summer was one that he would never want to encounter again.
Scorpious thoughts were interrupted by two voices that seem to be arguing. The voices sounded familiar and as he got nearer, one of the two voices belonged to someone he was missing dearly. The one that he was thinking before; Rose Weasley. He wondered why he would be able to hear their voices. But when he got to the compartment, his query was answered. He saw that they did not shut the door. Scorpious was standing in front of the compartment and about to tell them to close the door but both were so into the argument that they did not even realize that he was there. He decided that the best thing to do was just to shut the door and leave. He also knew that Rose did not want to see him. He was about to close the door and leave when, for the first time that day, the voice that he wanted to hear so badly, spoke clearly.
“Hugo, it’s not about him being a git. I missed him, Hug. I really do. I just wish we could have sorted it out but my pride got in the way. Now, I am just reaping the reward. If only he knew I am in love with him the...” Scorpious mind went racing, his heart beat was beating so fast that he thought that he might have a heart attack soon. Rose was in love with him and he was for her. He still is. He stood there looking at rose and she seemed to be resign with her head bend down looking at her hands.
“You’re WHAT?” Hugo asked. Scorpious brows narrowed. Was the boy deaf? Scorpious saw Rose lifting her head again to answer but he decided that he should make his presence known.
“In love.” He said. He tried to put on a brave front and look into the blue eyes that he missed the most last summer. It was filled with fear as rose brought her hand to her mouth. The gesture made Scorpious smile as it was, unbelievably, adorable.
“What do you want, Malfoy?” Hugo asked him as he saw the young boy stand up with anger written on the face and his brown eyes narrowed. Scorpious realized that Hugo had his hand in curl of a fist.
“Hugo, I was just doing my duty and you guys did not shut the door so I wanted to tell but you both were so into the conversa...” Scorpious was rambling and was saved by Rose.
“Hugo, would you mind leaving? I need to talk to Scorpious.” Rose said with a pleading voice. Hugo eyes were so wide that he seem to not believe what he sister had asked for him. If Scorpious didn’t know better, he might think that Rose was telling Hugo that they are actually not related. Hugo looked at Scorpious one more time before leaving making sure he bump into Scorpious shoulder as hard as he could. When Hugo already left the tension between Rose and Scorpious was getting to an all time high. With a huge sigh, Scorpious shut the door and sat beside Rose. He looked at her face which was bend down to look at her fingers.
“Did you really mean it?” Scorpious asked as he looked at her. He didn’t know what made him did it but he just had to confirm that he had heard her right. Rose did not answer straight away but look around the compartment before looking him straight into his eyes.
“Why does it matter? It’s not going to change anything. You don’t love me.” Rose said as her voice crack. There were tears threatening to flow out but rose was blinking so much as to make sure it wouldn’t flow. This made Scorpious heart break a little. He didn’t know what to do to make her smile.
“Rose, I need to know if you mean it.”
“Why would I not meant it, Scorpious?”
“So you meant it?”
“Yes.” Rose said, resigned. Once again, she looked at her hands that she did not realized the smile on Scorpious face. This time he lifted her face to see him and their eyes met. Scorpious heart was beating like he was running as he brought his mouth closer to Rose’s and finally closing the distance between them with a soft kiss. He could feel that Rose was shocked by this gesture nevertheless she returned his kiss. This made Scorpious smile beneath the kiss.

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