Saturday, July 12, 2008

Chapter One

A/N: This is a story of ROSE and SCORPIOUS and it's mainly for Harry Potter's Fan! I skip all through 6th year because I don't think love can be found when it's younger. This is a much more older Rose. And a Much more older Scorpious.

Rose Jane Weasley was sitting alone in the train compartment. She was going back to Hogwarts and her heartbeat went faster and faster as the train got closer and closer to the enchanting place which she called her second home. She was in her seventh year and she knew that it would be the last time she will ever come back to this historic castle that never fails to impress her as the years pass her by.
It’s been great, Rose thought to herself. Suddenly the compartment’s door opened and in came her younger brother, Hugo.
“What are you doing here, alone by yourself? Lily has been searching for you for ages.” He asked as he sat down facing her, the compartment door left opened. Hugo stared at his sister for an answer but didn’t get any. She looked like she might have just seen the last of house elves to be saved; Rose was just like her mom who wanted elf’s right to be legal.
“I am just thinking, you know. It’s my last year in Hogwarts and I will miss coming on this train again.” She said after a few minutes of silence that was bugging her. Another reason was that she hated that it was her last year and the last time she would be able to sit here.
“God, Rose, it’s not the end of the world. And FYI, we’re just starting this year. You’re already talking like we’re going back to London instead of going away from it. Plus, I do not think it’s going to be any fun. What’s with OWLs and NEWTs getting to be our best friend this year.” Hugo said with a little tinge of irritation in his voice.
Rose did not reply to her brother but kept staring aimlessly. She sighed as she thought about the NEWTs she will have to face the upcoming year. It was true that she had inherited her mom’s brains but it does not mean she never failed before. Ok, so she never failed before but it definitely does not mean that she cannot fail. Who knows if she will be answering out of point and make a poison potion and kill the professor that will be invigilating when NEWTs arrived.
“I saw Scorpious just now. He didn’t look too good.” Hugo said slyly as he looked out the window avoiding his sister abrupt attention at the sound of the loser’s name. Scorpious and Rose were attracted to each other since the very first start of the school year and although they were from different houses; Scorpious in Slytherin and she in Gryffindor, it did not stop them from being the best of friends. That was until last year when they fought an argument that was remembered too well by Hugo. He remembered that his older sister actually cried on his shoulders, mumbling words that he had a hard time trying to figure out. Till that day, Hugo never found out what was it that they had argued.
At the sound of Scorpious name, Rose heart pump a little harder. Her attention quickly reverts to her brother who was the one that mention his name. She missed him. He was her best friend. Was, she thought, he’s now probably hating me. If they had not fought over such stupid issue, she would still be able to write to him over the summer and would have so much fun being with him.
“What do you mean he didn’t look good?” she asked trying to sound unconcern and indifferent but somehow, from the sceptical look that Hugo was giving her, she knew she had failed badly.
“Like not good.”
“Is your brain that size of a pea sprout? Don’t you have any other word to describe what you have seen?”
“Fine, he was paler than the usual pale. Although, I would say he deserve it. With all that hurt he put you through and getting my shirt all wet. I don’t know why you even care for such a git.” Hugo said, fuming as he looked at his sister.
Rose cannot help but smile at her younger brother who looked exactly like their dad whenever he gets angry. She knows that he was just looking out for her but she was more than capable to take care of herself.
“Hugo, it’s not about him being a git. I missed him, Hug. I really do. I just wish we could have sorted it out but my pride got in the way. Now, I am just reaping the reward. If only he knew I am in love with him the...” Rose could not finish her sentence because Hugo interrupted her, whose eyes were bulging out of the owner’s eye sockets soon.
“You’re in WHAT?”
“In love.” Said a figure standing at the compartment door. To Rose horror, it was none other than Scorpious Malfoy, with his cheeks blushing a little.

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